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Steven Keane

Steven Keane became an immortal in 1536 and met Sean Burns who taught Keane about his immortality and the Game. Keane was living in England at the time of the Scottish Uprising of 1745 which culminated in the Battle of Culloden in 1746. He was good friends with Richard Earl of Dunbar who was responsible for ordering bloody, suppressive campaigns against the Scottish, leaving hundreds if not thousands dead. Duncan MacLeod sought revenge against Richard and killed him for retribution against his war crimes, making a life long enemy of Keane.


Keane was talked out of enacting his revenge against Duncan MacLeod by Sean Burns, who was a mutual friend. That is until Duncan killed Burns in cold blood while under the influence of a Dark Quickening. 


Keane vowed to get revenge for his friend Sean Burns, setting out to take Duncan's head and anyone who got in his way. 



Steven Keane Design

Steven Keane was designed to manipulate a Phase of the Game that no other immortal has ever targeted in Highlander the card game: The May Do Must Phase. 


Steven Keane was a man about action and his design revolves around that concept. His core theme is based around:

  • Benefitting from when his opponent plays cards during their May Do/Must Do phase. 

  • Ally Ignorance

  • Hidden Attacks.

  • Strong synergy with the Sabre Weapon of Choice.


Steven Keane also has some unique tricks in his arsenal. Some of our favorite cards are Tipping the Odds, Intimidate, and Switching Tactics.





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Steven Keane Pre Game Cards

Steven Keane In Game Cards