Silas known as War of "The Four Horsemen," a group of Immortals who pillaged and killed during the Bronze Age was an ancient immortal. A weird dichotomy of brutal killer and savage mixed with almost child like qualities made him even more terrifying than he already was.
The burly Silas loved nothing more than to kill, to conquer, and to be feared. The power of the Horsemen during the Bronze Age is what he lived for and what he yearned to have again. Although he did not get along with fellow Horseman, Caspian, he seemed to look up to Methos. It may be because Methos was an opposite in so many ways.
After the Horsemen disbanded, after Methos disappeared, Silas eventually retreated from the world he no longer ruled. For centuries he lived in isolation in the forests of Ukraine. In 1997, he finally sensed the presence of another Immortal, Kronos and Methos had come for him at last.
Silas' Bronze Age axe we know more about, since it was recovered from his cabin in the Ukraine. Apparently he was sentimental for the old days. He wielded a double-headed crescent shaped monstrosity with sharp thrusting tips and an inner serration on one of the axe heads. It was an effective weapon for both the lopping of heads and the impaling of appendages and torsos. Just looking at the axe gives you a sense of the terror and misery the Horsemen inflicted.