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Otavio Consone

Otavio Consone was born a Spanish noble in 1442. He was a court favorite until he lost to a cheat in a duel of honor in 1481, and revived as an Immortal. Otavio's mentor in his new life was the Queen's lover, the legendary Immortal, Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez, who taught him what he was and the rules of the game. Like his teacher, Otavio became an excellent swordsman and mastered The Mysterious Circle, a special sword art. Otavio was also an excellent Flamenco dancer.

In 1851 he took Duncan MacLeod as his student, although he saw Duncan as a gypsy, which he hated, he recognized his talent for both sword fighting and Flamenco dancing. Consone begun to discipline him in both, and eventually tried to teach him The Mysterious Circle.

Consone was a very arrogant person who saw himself as superior towards other people because of his noble heritage. He didn't care at all for the feelings of the woman he married, and became very angry if they rejected him. He would spend a large amount of time only to make them suffer.

Otavio Consone was a master swordsman. His specialty was "Verdadera Destreza" (invented in XVI cent.), it is intended to be a universal method of fighting applicable to all weapons. Its precepts are based on reason, geometry, and incorporate various other aspects of Renaissance culture; the duel is inside a circle that is representing humanity and the world with sword and dagger.

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