Nefertiri was an immortal, born during the 19th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt, circa 1265 BC. Nefertiri became a handmaiden to Cleopatra VII of Egypt, eventually the most well known Queen regnant in Egyptian history. She later fell in love with a Roman General, Marcus Constantine, who was also an Immortal.
Circa 30 B.C.E., the war between Egypt and Rome was winding down; the Egyptian empire was soon to be defeated. Nefertiri became angry at what had happened to her people, and subsequently transferred this anger onto her lover Marcus because she felt he had betrayed her. He claimed he still loved her. She raised her sword and fought Marcus, but Constantine refused to kill her. She then chose to be buried with her queen; Nefertiri was placed in a sarcophagus in which she would be in for the next 2,000 years.
Nefertiri Pregame Cards
Nefertiri In Game Cards