Michael Christian
Michael Christian was born in 1952 in Des Moines, Iowa. He was a foundling raised by a farmer, and grew into a troubled young man with no ambition. Christian's first death occurred in 1975 and, under the influence of alcohol, drove his vehicle into a milk truck. He would later meet Immortal Lawrence Gasper. Christian learned everything about his immortality from Gasper, and developed the ambition to winthe Game and claim The Prize. On July 4, 1979, he betrayed Gasper, and took his head. The Quickening was mistaken by the townspeople as one of the biggest fireworks display they had ever seen.
Christian was a strong player in the Game for his age due to a certain advantage, Rita Luce, his Watcher, took a liking to him because he reminded her of her own son, who had died in a car accident. Christian and Rita developed a partnership and unhealthy love for one another.
Michael Christian Pregame Cards
Michael Christian In Game Cards