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Peter Kanis experienced his first death in the year 1733, when he was killed for sport by the Immortal, Devon Marek. Marek would become his teacher. He didn't know much about The Game or fighting, but took pleasure in hunting. Kanis also became a hunter, he bred and trained dogs to help hunt other Immortals, and sometimes mortals who got in his way.

Immortal Highlights and Strategies

Kanis is all about his Hounds. He can use his Hounds to add costs anytime his opponent needs to play a specific type of card. If Kanis can keep his Hounds in play and in the game, he's tough to beat as his opponent will more than likely run out of defenses. There is a generic Hound you can run that is a Bystander, and if you use the Kuyler Q in your Pregame, Kanis can begin the game with 2 Hounds already in play.

Kanis Pregame Cards

Kanis In Game Cards

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