Jin Ke
Jin Ke was born in the 3rd century BC. He was a soldier in the service of the Chinese Emperor, Qin, and was responsible for protecting the workers who built the Great Wall of China from the attacks of nomads. Repelled by the emperor's behavior, and his bloody actions, he took part in a conspiracy to assassinate him, but the conspiracy was uncovered and its members were killed. Jin was then reborn as an Immortal.
He decided to live honorably, defending just causes and fighting evil. In order to become better, he isolated himself in a Buddhist temple to reach for the "light."
Circa 1800, Jin Ke made the acquaintance of Jacob Kell, possibly in China, who manages to enlist Jin Ke in his "cause" -- that of destroying Connor MacLeod and everything and everyone that he held dear, by convincing Jin Ke that honor existed only in total victory. Jin Ke became the very first of Kell's "flock" of Immortal disciples.
Jin Ke Pregame Cards
Jin Ke In Game Cards