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Hamza El Kahir

Hamza el Kahir was born around the year A.D. 600 in the city of Mecca. He was an early supporter of the rise of Islam, and died about 645 in battle. He then went to Damascus, 661-750, capital of the Islamic Umayyad Caliphate. There he learned the art of sword forging.

His sword was forged by Hamza, himself, is a masterpiece. Along its length a gold inlay inscription of Arabic characters named the sword: Daughter of Justice, Taker of heads, Giver of Mercy, Drinker of the Blood of Infidels.

Design Concepts

The list is short when it comes to better defenses in Highlander the card game than Hamza's Master's Guard. He has a strong synergy with the Scimitar Weapon of Choice and he even has his own, custom Scimitar.

Hamza El Kahir Pregame Cards

Hamza El Kahir In Game Cards

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