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Gavriel Larca

Larca was born in the year 1438 in Portugal, he became a lawyer. In 1476, he was killed by an dissatisfied client, and revived as an Immortal. He was found by the Immortal, José Maria Monarrez, who would become his mentor. By the year 1510, Larca was a pirate. In later years, he became a conquistador. Larca eventually would travel to Peru, where he discovered a Moche tribe. They happened to worship a god that was called "The Decapitator" who was depicted with a sword in one hand and a head in the other. For 300 years he played god to the Moche people, killing all outsiders who stumbled across them.

Larca knew how to handle a sword but he was more interested in being a god, and not really into The Game. He was no match for an experienced fighter like Duncan MacLeod, especially after being entombed for 150 years.

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