John Garrick worked at Westminster Abbey in London as a stonemason in 1259. He suffered his first death when he fell from the roof of the Abbey. Garrick claimed to have been gifted with clairvoyant abilities. He looked upon his immortality as a gift from God, in whose honor he produced sculptures for churches throughout England. For 400 years he spent his life in this way and was a friendly and sociable person.
Garrick was plagued by nightmares in the following centuries. His recurrent "enemy" was a monk who neither spoke nor showed his face. Garrick then began to study the human psyche. He was probably more well versed with this topic than any man before. He studied with doctors and psychologists like Freud and Jung, and eventually he learned to control his hallucinations, and to project onto others. Outwardly, Garrick appeared healed, both Freud and Jung as well as his immortal friend, Sean Burns, thought so. But Garrick continued to struggle with his demons.