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Warlord turned pacifist, Darius was born in 120BC. After his first death in 82BC, he used his immortality to became one of the most feared Visigoths in history. After taking the Quickening from a holy man, his morality shifted. It is the only known instance of a "light quickening". He is now a peace advocate. Having rejected violence fifteen hundred years ago, he is retired on Holy Ground where other Immortals are forbidden to fight him. When and if he returns to The Game is impossible to say.

Immortal highlights and Strengths

Darius is one of the best immortals in the game. He's an allowance based immortal meaning he's allowed to use other immortal's persona specific cards in his deck construction giving him a myriad of viable strategies.

Darius Pre Game Cards (Custom Theme and Images)

Darius In Game Cards (CustomTheme and Images)

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