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Caspian along with Kronos, Methos and Silas, Caspian was a member of the Four Horsemen; a group of mounted raiders who enslaved, raped, killed, pillaged and terrorized, across two continents during the Bronze Age.

Caspian is a classic psychopath, highly antisocial, aggressive, lacking in empathy, and failing to feel remorse or guilt. He and Methos cordially hate each other, he despises Silas as an idiot, but he respected Kronos.

Immortal Highlights and Strengths

Caspian is a multi attack immortal. He thrives in duels where he forces his opponent to play more than defense per turn as it allows him to play multiple attacks. Caspian has a strong synergy with the Cutlass Weapon of Choice but he can be effective with other weapons as well.

Caspian Pregame Cards

Caspian In Game Cards

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