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Brother Paul

Paul was born as Cassius Marius. He first died in AD 14 as a soldier in Augustus' army in the battle for the Rhine. By AD 67, Cassius Marius was a member of Emperor Nero's Praetorian Guard. It was then that he met Paul of Tarsus, the Christian apostle. This encounter changed Marius forever, he became a peaceful and religious man. When Paul was executed, Marius left the Guard and renamed himself Paul in the apostle's honor, and joined the persecuted Christians of Rome.

Paul very rarely left his monastery in the next 300 years. But in early 1995, he received the offer to appear in public with his monastic choir. Since the Order was able to use the money offered for the appearance, the brothers flew to Seacouver, where they gave concerts in Vanderbilt Hall. After one concert, Paul met Duncan, whom he had invited. And the two men promised to see one another again.

Highlights and Strengths

Brother Paul is an Ally based immortal. He Can use his Allies to reduce damage as well as control other parts of the board and the game.

Brother Paul Pre-Game Cards (Custom Theme)

Brother Paul In-Game Cards (Custom Theme)

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