Colin MacLeod Falchion
Pregame Card | Card Name |
Persona | Colin MacLeod |
Weapon of Choice Primary | Falchion +3T |
Quickening | Marcus Korolous Q |
Quickening | Christoph Kuyler Q |
Clan MacLeod | Additional Gems |
A&T Hilt Meld | Champ Hilt 2016 |
Attacks |
Upper Left Attack (2) |
Middle Left Attack (1) |
Riddle Right Attack (1) |
Master's Attack - Colin Mac (2) |
Upper Right Attack (2) |
Thrust - Promo (1) |
Lower Center Attack (1) |
Lower Right Attack - Promo (1) |
Lower Left Attack - Promo (1) |
Upper Center Attack - Promo (1) |
Upper Left Attack - Promo (1) |
Dodges |
Evade - Promo (1) |
Distract - Promo (1) |
Evade - Clan Mac (3) |
Master's Dodge - Colin Mac (3) |
Design Notes
The Deck centers around playing self removing allies to fuel your ability to make your opponent's handsize as small as possible. With Korolus Q your handsize will become large pretty quickly. Start the game with Clan Tartan in play. Try to defend with Master's Dodge, to put Sewer Pipe into play, to put into play an ally (You may want to do this, even if you already have a sewer pipe out, so that you can get 2 allies removed on that turn). Then play an additional ally (as you have not "played" a special card). Most allies have a self removal effect, so it fuels your ability. Use Falchion to Exert from hand every turn for an attack. Play a basic attack, (which is a power blow because of Falchion) and the Illusion. If everything goes perfectly (which happens about 30% of the time), You're opponent's handsize will be -6, after your first turn. (Master's dodge into sewerpipe [-2], put into play a self removing ally [-1], play self removing ally [-1], Exert from hand for an attack, and make it a power blow, and play your illusion [-2]) Realistically, you can expect a handsize of -2 to -4 turn one, consistantly. Once your opponent, gets down to very few to no cards in hand, start throwing out the Challenge, and playing powerblows FTW. The Deck cycles quickly, so there are more than the average amount of cards in it, Use Dawn of Time, if you have to, if you need to cycle further.
Blocks |
Guard - Promo (3) |
Edge Cards | Special Cards |
Master Preparation (1) | Sewer Pipe (5) |
Lean and Mean - Rearm (1) | Bill Vick (2) |
DI - Edge (5) | Joe (1) |
Alertness Dual Icon - Promo (2) | Nigel Keates (1) |
Joe Italiano (1) | |
Doc Byrnes (1) | |
Loyal Clansman (1) | |
Clan Chieftain (1) | |
Challenge (3) | |
Time of the Gathering (5) | |
Dawn of Time (4) | |
Clan Tartan - Colin Mac (1) |