Sat, Feb 22
|A to Z Comics
KC Memorial Tournament
It will be a two tournament event. One will be a Type One Standard In memory of Jerry Schattenburg, Big and Bad style (Minimum 75 card deck and at least one copy of a card titled "Big and Bad") The other will be a Type Two Standard in memory of Gene Taylor, Richie Ryan or Generic Immortals only.
Blitz! Online Tournament
Help use shape the future of the game by testing out a new play format for Type 2.
Experience the action of Highlander the Card Game like never before with Blitz. Blitz is a fast-paced format that offers a thrilling gameplay experience. Players have fewer cards in their Hand but will have more opportunities to land deadly combos.
1.) In Blitz, your Hand Size is not tied to your Ability. Both Players have unmodified Hand Sizes of 10 cards. When you take Ability Loss or Damage, your Hand Size stays at 10 cards.
2.) Any player who plays at least one attack during their turn, during their next May Do Must Do Phase, they may Draw 1 card.
3.) Generic Edge cards that specify a target cannot be played unless that target exists.
Download this PDF document to see the other fine print details of this tournament. Hope to see you there!