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Kassim Bio

Muhammad ibn Kassim was born in Tinmallal, North Africa about 1119. He met his first death when he was executed during an tribal political dispute. 


Trained by Hamza el Kahir, Kassim is an excellent swordsman. His preferred weapon of choice is a Scimitar he's carried with him for hundreds of years.


In 1996 Kassim ran into Duncan MacLeod, whom he had a centuries old agreement with, only for Duncan to renege on his promises. The two fought, and although Duncan won, he had to cheat to do it. Ultimately deciding to let Kassim live.

Kassim Design

 Kassim's design is centered around three concepts:

  • Grid Size Control

  • Standing Defenses

  • Unblockable and Undodgeable Attacks


We are really proud to release an immortal who brings new mechanics and ideas to the game. This will give you new and exciting ways to build decks and play the game. Kassim, being an expert swordsman and an elder Immortal, can use his Persona power to remove one grid from an attack. As a student of Hamza el Kahir (whose design is centered around guards and standing defenses), Kassim can use basic blocks as standing defenses. As all players know, unblockable or undodgeable attacks are an exciting and nerve racking part of the game. Kassim might be the only Immortal who likes it when his opponent plays an attack that is unblockable or undodgeable. 


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Kassim Pre Game Cards

Kassim In Game Cards